The Top 5 Charcoal You Must Try with Your Hookah


Your hookah experience is affected by two vital factors: the tobacco and the charcoal you use in NZ. You may have high-quality flavours or tobacco, but low-quality charcoal will make it unsatisfying. Choosing the right charcoal is not as straightforward as picking coal for grilling. Here, we'll narrow down the types of charcoal you'll find along with the top suggested products you can consider.



Most hookah smokers choose silver hookah, natural coal, or quick-lighting coal. Natural coconut is cost-effective and offers the best flavour while having a long shelf life. Quick lighting charcoal comes in foil-wrapped rolls of ten discs with a chemical accelerant that allows you to ignite them with a regular lighter. They can be used anywhere but burns fast. Silver coals can also be lit with a standard lighter and deliver medium heat levels with reduced taste and odour.


Top charcoals you can try with your hookah.


Here is a list of the top charcoal products in NZ:


1. Coco Nara Charcoal - A top-quality charcoal that burns three times longer than regular coals.


2. QuickLight Charcoal – Al Fakher quick light coals come in 10s per pack.


3. Eco Nara Charcoal – Made with real coconut shells and renewable resources to ensure a consistent burn and high heat. Every briquette is uniquely shaped for easier lighting and to make it ready to use sooner. It also prolongs the burning time while ensuring odourless and tasteless charcoal.


4. Bro Nara Charcoal – Made of 100 per cent natural charcoal, it burns three times longer than regular charcoal in NZ.


5. Coco Mazaya Extra Charcoal – These are all-natural and made of coconut shells. They burn longer and leave less ash while being tasteless and odourless. The cube-shaped coals are sulphur-free and burn three times longer.


Be sure to buy charcoal in NZ from a reputable retailer specialising in hookah pipes and accessories. That way, you are assured of authentic and high-quality products.


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